Reducing Stress On Caregivers By Eliminating Time Spent Sorting Medications
Did you know family caregivers spend an average of 24.4 hours per week providing care for their loved ones? This can be helping with hygiene, running errands, doing household chores, and handling doctors’ appointments and medications.
Spouses or those living with a loved one they care for, spend an average of 32 or more hours a week providing care.
I can remember watching my grandparents sort their medications every Sunday night at the kitchen table. My grandpa was on maybe a half dozen meds, and after sorting and double checking they had about an hour into it every week!
The average number of prescriptions taken by those age 50-64 is 19.2 each day.
Those 65-79 years of age take an average of 27.3 medications per day.
Those 80+ years old take an average of 29.1 medications per day.
This leads to an average of 1 to 3 hours of sorting medications per person every week!
If you could take back a couple hours of that time … would you?
Even with the best of intentions for your loved ones 54% of people are hospitalized because of medication mismanagement. Many people think missing one dose or taking the missed dose later won’t be an issue, but not taking a med or mixing certain meds can lead to major side effects or health problems.
“54% of people are hospitalized because of medication mismanagement. We want you to understand why you’re taking your medicine and how to take it,” – Bretton Walberg, Owner of Care-Fill
Care-Fill medication packaging sorts medications by day and time into convenient tear and go dose packs. Our free service eliminates time spent sorting medications.
Our staff will also follow up with any changes to medications or refills, so you don’t have to be on the phone with the doctors’ office.
We can also save you a trip to the pharmacy. No more waiting for prescriptions to be filled. We are happy to include any over-the-counter medications or supplements you request, or other pharmacy items right to your door once a month.
“We have helped patients move from the weekly pill box to strip packaging, saving them time and improving the way they take their meds.”
– Matt Shellenbarger, Director of Pharmacy Operations